Friday, July 6, 2012


We are raised thinking that pink is for girls and blue is for boys and if you choose other wise you are "not normal." We live in a society where people get labeled on a daily basis and get judged upon by: what we say, what we do, the way we act, and how we dress. If society didn't have all these expectations of what "normal" is people would be a lot more comfortable being themselves. People need to learn to be comfortable in their own skin and be happy with how they are. We were not all born the same nor are we raised the same. Therefore, we all have different views of things and that is okay! Are you the type of person who molds themselves to "fit" in or are you just being yourself and not living by the cookie cutter mold. We have to ask ourselves, what is actually normal? Is there such thing? Because when it all comes down we all have a face, a body, and one heartbeat, the rest is just what makes us unique and we need to learn how to embrace it. 


  1. Hi Guadalupe,

    I agree with you, we should all accept ourselves and not worry about what other people think. Maybe one day society will realize the damaging effects we can have when we outcast those who are not the "norm" until then remain positive and don't let others affect yourself image.

    Cynthia Zito

  2. Yes this blog is so true! I consider myself unique and I'm proud of it!

  3. Lupe,
    This is so sad but true! I'm more of the type of person who doesn't care what people, say, think of me because I believe that everyone was made different for a reason. I consider myself being more in the unique side because I don't try to fit in with the crowd. I rather stand out.

  4. Hi,
    I agree if you dont look or act the way society wants you to your the outcast. I am the kind of person who does what ever I want and I don't take into consideration what people think or say about me. I do what ever feels right to me whether others think it's wrong.
